Pharrell Williams πŸ‘Œ


Pharrell Williams πŸ‘Œ

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ruggero look at the one you commented on please❀️
I am a huge fan tini told me her user on here no one BELIVES me I'm crushed my heart for all of u is gone some how can u bring it back
I'm sorry but I don't believe her
I know you're a fan and I love you but I don't think tinistoesselxxx is the real Tini
but she told me on insta
I don't know
I'm just broken somehow I need to be fixed she is real she told me πŸ˜žπŸ˜«πŸ˜”πŸ˜°
i dont know I'm sorry
she is just fake believe me she is fake
but she told me on Instagram please she did I promise I will never lie
😰😞u don't trust me I'm your fan
she is fake I'm sorry
but.... a pop star broke my heart I'm a huge fan she messages me though on insta what should I do she is real
I'm just saying she is not the real Tini
what shall I do she message me saying this is her account tinistoesselxxx she told me
Okay but she is not the real tini tinistoesselxxx is fake
I'm about to cry I'm shaking and crying 😰😫
just believe me and if you not believe me its Okay but she is fake
she said this is her account
no she is fake just saying
but her user is tinitastoessel on insta and she told me HELP IM CRYING AND SHAKING I WILL REPORT -MartinaStoessel- as fake is that right
and i know tinitastoessel is her instagram
and no Dont say she is not fake tinistoesselxxx is fake
you are fake
is she who have I upset
she is fake just saying
I am crying and shaking bad I don't want to end up in... I need calming down HELP
I'm just saying that she is fake
no help
I know but help
I belive... tell u on ...
I'm calmed down now
HELP LOOK ON -MartinaStoessel- page look what I put on the Nutella one