If you support Donald Trump my account is clearly not the place for you. The purpose of this post is to let out everything I have been thinking these past weeks. I do not want to be setting an example that will lead others to believe that I wish an


Click: If you support Donald Trump my account is clearly not the place for you. The purpose of this post is to let out everything I have been thinking these past weeks. I do not want to be setting an example that will lead others to believe that I wish an

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continued discription: any harm upon anyone. My account is for people who love every person and not for people who have limited mindsets and for people that might be open to new ideas, including me.
I love everyone who sets foot on this home we call Earth. So please do not hate on anyone. I'm sorry for saying I HATE Trumps guts so let me say that I do not hate him, that was a slight exaggeration.♥️♥️♥️🌈🌈♥️