❤️ tap ❤️
❤️ i honestly needed to vent or i was gonna snap ❤️
❤️ sorry for not posting, i just had my school exams and was moving house lol❤️
❤️ ily! make sure u eat and u look amazing ❤️


❤️ tap ❤️ ❤️ i honestly needed to vent or i was gonna snap ❤️ ❤️ sorry for not posting, i just had my school exams and was moving house lol❤️ ❤️ ily! make sure u eat and u look amazing ❤️

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hey laia, i’m so sorry what you’re going through but i’m letting you know that you absolutely don’t deserve this pain, and i’m here if you need someone to talk to, okay? 🫶
yes absolutely! any improvement <3
that’s awesome!