Collage by hot_like_a-lina__hatepage


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shut up and don't follow us
aight who ever the fxck you are take this page down and don't follow us aight?
Don't even follow me. ur ugly...for doing this
o my gosh she has her shirt up and is flipping the birdie u need to take this page down that is kinda like bullying someone over the Internet and u might not care for what she thinks but that does not mean to do this
you are litterally hating on a girl you don't even know! I don't know her either so I can't say if she's nice or not but tbh the only person you're making look bad here if you. so just be nice omg. she hasn't done anything to you! she's a beautiful girl now let her be. you obviously do not have a life if all you do if criticize other people
hey but this is kind of mean, maybe you should stop. not trying to be mean but please don't be mean.
plz just stop !!!!! i'm so tired of these hate pages its not even funny !!!!!!
you are even more worthless ! and for you to say that stuff about her mom is just freaking cruel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a difference between mean and cruel and that was just straight up cruel !!!!
unfollow me right now.
really? she's rude? your her hatepage YOU IDIOT!
Unfollow me and gtf off of here! you're gonna make her life worse if you continue this HatePage