I think I'm just gonna leave*cries*-taylor


I think I'm just gonna leave*cries*-taylor

18 34
I-I'm sorry for even coming into this world goodbye
I'm sorry *locks my door and starts to cut*
don't go!! stay!!
I loved you*cuts more*
you broke up with me*cries and throws knife on the ground*
^opens door and runs to you*dont do that
don't kill yourself please
I will
ow my arm sorry I may have cut a little
it's ok
*gets in*
I'm sorry to
it's ok I'm just glad that is over with I hope we are together for a long time
*gets out*
yeah I'm fine
I love you
I love you more
no I love you the most
*kisses you* so what did the doctor say
he just wrapped it*shows you*he said that if I cut a little deeper it could have been very bad
can we go home now
*opens the door for you*
*gets in*
*closes the door and gets in and starts to drive* princess I love you
but I love you more
*smiles* I'm sorry
*smiles back*its fine I'm just glad we are back together
*stops gets out and let's you out*
*gets out*
*opens the front door*
*walks in*
*sits on the sofa*
*sits next to you*
my cousins funeral tomorrow
would you like me to come with you
I'm not going but thank you
oh ok
*puts my arm around you*
*lays my head in your sholder*
what you wanna do
do you wanna do anything in particular
not really
do you?
I was thinking of something but now my minds gone blank
oh ok let me know when you think if something
where I am it is one in the morning but Idc because I'm talking to the most beautiful girl ever
I love you so much
I love you more
no I do
no I do
no I do*laughs*
okay princess you do
*laughs* well the doc said my ankles almost healed 😜
that's good
yes it is
does it still hurt
on and off
oh ok that is how it is with my knee last year I was in my garage and it was winter and I was on a skateboard and my sister pushed me I fell off and tore a muscle and I couldn't move it
right now it's numb
oh ok
*kisses you forehead*
*smiles and rests my head on yours*
*smiles and thinks I wonder if we will ever get married*
you ok
yeah I'm fine
i couldn't be better
*smiles and bites my lip*
*kisses you*
*kisses you back*
*smiles with dimples*
*hugs you and tries not to hurt your arm*
*hugs back*
I love you
babe I have to go to bed I love you
ok baby girl I have a surprise for you in the morning love you too
your making me wanna stay up
well it depends when you want your surprise
right now!!!!
you sure
*gets on one knee* Taylor will you marry me?
omg yes!!!!
*puts the ring on your finger gets up and kisses you*
*kisses you back*
I remixed the ring
I saw it
ok night love you
what time is it where you are
ok well I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed
ok good night my princess stay safe I love you
I love you too
princess do you want to be a family
yes!!*laughs really hard*i can't stop laughing
right come on now you need to calm down * carries you up stairs and puts you on the bed*
*stops laughing*
see I can be fun when I want and I can be serious when I want *lies down*
yes you can *lays on your chest*
*smiles slightly*
*slowly falls asleep*
*kisses your forehead softly* good night
*puts the blanket over you*
have a nice sleep?
hi my prince
I'm good
*hugs you back*so how was your day
oh why not
oh ok
I love you more
no I do*kisses you back and laughs*
*sits next to you*
probably after the wedding so I'm not fat in my wedding dress
oh are you talking about adopting?
*kisses you back*
it's ok
that's good
lol idk why
omg babe!!!
all the guys on this account are gonna propose to their girlfriends at the dance
um idk we have like a half an hour
they are gonna be lined up on one knee with a sign with the girls name on it
it changed now lol
*gets changed*and I'm Minnie Mouse
oh cráp I still have to do my makeup
ok done!
it was just posted
hi babe
is you leg feeling better
hey I have to go take a shower can we start making the wedding plans when I get out
ok I'm back
so we need to figure out the place and time and date and stuff like that
I have 3 bridesmaids
do you want some asprin
r u sure
I'll get some brb*grabs some water and asprin*
*hands it to you*here you go
it is I didn't know that
lol we all said something on your page to her
ok so anyways back to the wedding plans
I love you more
*kisses you back*
*sits next to you*
lol we are now besties man and kody
yeah I think everyone does
oh ok
ok hold on
so anyways back to the wedding plans
alright so we need to figure out the date time and place
how about Friday
because I'm normally busy during the week
we can do it on your page
*hugs you back*i love you so much
no I do*kisses you back*
yeah she is like crying her eyes out right now
yeah me too
awe that is so sad
awe you are so nice
I'm so lucky to have you and my relatives in my life
I love you so much
no I do
no I do
*smiles*i feel so bad for kody line I just want to cry
me too
me either*looks down*
yeah she will always have us*hugs back*
me and kody are gonna go get ice cream
I love ice cream and pizza and you and Nutella and Starbucks and sponge on
spongebob not sponge on
yes it is
hi babe