I would reveal my main but then people would attack me there so uhhh yeah I’m remaining anonymous 

Except for like three people who guessed who I was


I would reveal my main but then people would attack me there so uhhh yeah I’m remaining anonymous Except for like three people who guessed who I was

29 0
welp I enjoyed your rants
Awe 😢
I wish I knew ur main 😔 Hope I know you lol 😂cuz I’m an old potato and I know everybody
lol i actually really enjoyed your rants and yeah 😂 wHoA i’m sPeCiaL iK uR mAiN O_o oH nO iM gOnNa aTtAcK yOu
lol I live for your rants 😂🐸 < don’t mind that frog emoji wOw I’m SpEcIaL i GuEsSeD yOuR mAiN
mm bye better watch out for those vicious attackers bro
hahaha I thought your name was @Onions and Rants and I’m like ‘weird flex but ok’
But I do love your page😂👏🏼