I'm soooo ugly:( but posted for Rickey❤️ @ally


I'm soooo ugly:( but posted for Rickey❤️ @ally

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i know right!
nope i forgot
i willlll i'm not a chicken!!!
ugh ):< im not doing it if you're calling me a chicken
thankssss and why do you care so much about me telling her
alright thank you 💙💙
how do you know she's pregnant
ohh well why did you ask
haha alright
oh well idk, we just found out she's pregnant..
yeah but you can't really choose it
i know but ugh i don't want to chooseeeeeeee
so she'll choose what she wants:)
what if she knows;) and idk
yes it is , she probably knows i think i don't want to ask her
yeah she's mad at me. and i didn't want to ask her cause idk what she wants for the baby and if we don't want the same well idk
i prefer not talk about it
he said its cool but a friend died so we aren't going to be on as much
*hugs back and smiles *
I'm great *smiles* wby