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I'm so sad and angry about to the news of Christina Grimmie's death. For those of you who don't know, Christina was shot dead at her own concert in Orlando. Why would someone waste their own time ending someone's life? Killing anyone is bad but killing an innocent, young, talented girl is terrible. I hugely respect Christina's brother who tackled the gunman to prevent him from hurting anyone else. My thoughts are with her friends and family, rest in peace Christina❤️😔
i just found out about this now and it's so horrible to know someone would do that
thanks for the spam and rip Christina!!!!!😢
Wow. That is so sad😢 Rip Christina.❤️
I feel the same😰
It's so sad I can't believe it either🙊
it doesnt seem real
This is amazing ❤️
It was so sad, i know😭
Rest in peace xxxxxxxxxxxxx
she was one of the best😭🎶
it's so unfair, such amazing talent wasted😭😭😭
i cant 😭😭😭
her brother was so brave ✨ also i was so saddened by the news !! she was taken while she was doing what she loved? how cruel can a person be ? she was so talented and she definitely did not deserve this.
*loved !!