Laura sucks period


Laura sucks period

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I'm flattered you love my collages, but I am not going to follow someone who wastes their time every day posting on this account, thank you very much
and the whole "giving credit" thing? I'm the same way. I do the same thing because it's very important. In the real world, you can get seriously punished for plagiarism. You don't see anyone h8ing on me publicly because I do these same things? I guess we're just biased because we're so jealous of laura.
you don’t know her
she’s not annoying
shut up and unfollow me
Please, don't EVEN follow me. Stop hating on Laura, she doesn't deserve this
And what's wrong with taking new styles? It's cool to see people trying out new styles, especially when Laura's collages are amazing. Also the whole "giving credit" is important they do that tbh because irl you can get like punished for copyright and stuff so..
oh just cry yourself a river build yourself a bridge AND GET OVER IT! Don’t you realize this is ALL on YOU!
u knwo some people actually care about their pc friends god forbid!!! can you believe it????? well that’s what simple-bliss is doing by saying that’s she’s sorry that she’s on a break
honestly , I don’t see why you would care if she was trying to get attention (which she ISNT) why would it affect u???
omg I’m so sorry I accidentally followed u!!!!
oh my god can't u shut up you idiot ur face already
"To be or not to be, that is the question!" - William Shakespeare
people keep coming back like dude you like this enough to keep coming back