Collage by Ballerina4life


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enter my icon contesttt
thanks ❤️
this quote is so true. thank you for always being so kind and supportive to me throughout my time on PicCollage, you have been their form the start liking and commenting on my posts and it brings me so much joy and to see the lovely comments! xxxxxx 💞💞
beautiful quote ❤️
I know ur on break right now but can we collab?
it would be amazinggggggg gurrrrl
yayyyyy so happy you’re back!❤️❤️❤️
awww thank you! I missed ya doll
can I do the background?
thank you!! and i love this quote👏🏻👏🏻very true✨
and i haven’t gotten to read harry potter yet! it’s been on my bucket list for the longest time but the series seems so long and i never feel like i have time anymore😅📚
hello!! welcome back I’ve missed you too!!!! super excited to see you start posting AMAZING collages again 😊 I’ve been good, really enjoying summer break! hbu? 💕
omg same 😌🙂 summer slipping away too fast
I’m super excited for the fourth tho I love fireworks
what’s your name
for my bio 💕💕💕
ok sure
I did! went out and had a picnic before watching fireworks it was nice 😊 hbu?
hiiii! It's cookies-and_cream!! Check out my latest post, it would mean the world💜💜💜 I'm hoping to get a 2nd feature, but I need your help! 😊