Guys do not fallow Garrett


Guys do not fallow Garrett

3 1
he keeps reposting cause he is asking for free followers
Bruh I un followed you
you need to check grammar
or should I say gammer
or should I teach you how to spell you spelled my name xzander when it's Xander and you spell all things wrong
👏🏻s. Srsly
I wasn't intending to follow him anyway.
yea don't he is material listick
why is Garrets picture a shoe??? Did he somehow turn into a shoe?
xj don't follow me i won't follow u back
yea lol he proble did turn to a 👠
all he cares about is shoes like ever one in this material listick school
lol false alarm he is still a human being. I think
wow ball stupid name guy only has 1 follower how sad
when did you delete your collages
sorry Xander I need to get better at not caring
or am I fine
I really don't care