School 🏀 tryouts tomorrow


School 🏀 tryouts tomorrow

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thx for my spam of likes!!
idk how many people will see this... but I hope a lot do😂ATTENTION: I have been trying to post and respond (remix) to everybody, but piccollage is not working on my phone. I'm so sorry. I won't let me do anything. I will keep trying, but as of now, I ask that you keep being patient if I do not respond to you. I will keep making collages to post when it gets back up and running, and I have the winners of the Halloween contest. sorry everybody, and hopefully I will be back on soon. btw, I made my high schools JV basketball team!!!!!
so who won the Halloween contest?!
-hipsterstarbucks- came in first, and I'm going to wait till I can post to reveal second and third
okay!! thank you for the spam of posts!!
I mean likes!!
😂ur welcome!!!
Emma-ob3803 or something like that KEEPS STEALING MY BASKETBALL COLLAGE- that is not here work. please help me stop her- it is not right for somebody to do all of the work and somebody else to just take it and take all of the credit...
Emma-ob3803 or something like that KEEPS STEALING MY BASKETBALL COLLAGE- that is not here work. please help me stop her- it is not right for somebody to do all of the work and somebody else to just take it and take all of the credit...
just report the collage
I gave you credit in the little box thing and your making a big deal out of it. I don't understand what all this fuss is
I gave you credit so
you asked for credit so I gave you credit
can u plz enter my contest? ur collages are awesome!