I have a hatepage called lone-girl-hatepage. I have seen that some of you have been commenting to them and I just want to say thanks. But I don't want you to get hate. I can do this on my own xxx


I have a hatepage called lone-girl-hatepage. I have seen that some of you have been commenting to them and I just want to say thanks. But I don't want you to get hate. I can do this on my own xxx

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we're not letting you do this on your own 😡😝
I don't want you getting hurt
I won't
they're not being mean to me they're just bîtching about you and I can't just stand by and let them do that
😂 I find it kinda funny
thanks xxx
I commented and responded to their collages. Sorry I took so long, I had school, had to have a long shower to get the makeup and hairspray off from Drama rehearsals and then do tutoring. Don't listen to the hater. They are just jealous of the gorgeous and amazing person you are✨💕💎🎀
Stay strong✨
I will do many things for you, but I will not stand by and let you do this on your own.
We won't let u do this on your own
U r sooooo pretty
any tips on beauty because hun you really are gorgeous
xx ur so strong
ur not going thru this on ur own. ur beautiful and I'm not going to let someone bring u down. that's a promise💕
if I leave I'll use my secret acc which is also the acc where I bîtch to people 😂
I just can't deal with the homophobia on here and there's another thing that happened today that I don't want to talk about :/
yeah x
stay strong.