My school is weird

One of the more “popular” dudes at school came out as Bi today and honestly?? I’m so proud of him :)
My school is not exactly very open minded about that sort of thing so
But he still sat with his popular table at lunch so clearly they


My school is weird One of the more “popular” dudes at school came out as Bi today and honestly?? I’m so proud of him :) My school is not exactly very open minded about that sort of thing so But he still sat with his popular table at lunch so clearly they

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@ caption: So clearly they’re not too bothered about it
yesterday about halfway into my chem class someone just blurts our “I forgot how to write.”
and then he proceeds to say “when I put the pen down it goes up and I- I just can’t anymore!”
omg i heard something weird yesterday too it was so funny though 😂
i was in my math class and we were taking a test and this kid goes "aw, my butter melted" 😂 we just all looked at him like wHAT
I love these out of context quotes 😂
today in choir my teacher asked a kid who wasn’t paying attention if he was & he said “yee” & I stg the entire class started cackling 😂
that reminds me, in the middle of class a random guy ran into our class and yelled ‘I’m gay’ and I started clapping but no one else did so it was kinda awkward and then the teacher brought him outside and yelled at him. it might’ve been a prank because his friends were outside laughing but ya never ko
and even if it was a prank I felt like everyone should’ve clapped just in case it was real
omg I want to do this now. Your school is interesting tho what happens in there? I wonder...
oml these are the best 😂😂
VeRy InTeReStInG😂😂
Hahaha the raisins one thoooo😂😂😂😂
these are amazing😂
well planning a tree is certainly more useful than doing math :’) at least it helps with global warming
rip us