ok guys can i have so advice? my friend who i just started hanging out with is having a party, and my best friend is invited. the problem is, my best friend isnt coming anymore, so its gonna be me and her girlfriend. her girlfriend was really mean to one


ok guys can i have so advice? my friend who i just started hanging out with is having a party, and my best friend is invited. the problem is, my best friend isnt coming anymore, so its gonna be me and her girlfriend. her girlfriend was really mean to one

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{cont} of my close friends. i decided not to sleepover, as before they stopped being friends, she talked about me a lot and im afraid i'd feel uncomfortable. is this the right choice?
if you feel uncomfortable around her you probably shouldn't
honey, don't worry about other people's opinions. if there is any way that you'd feel uncomfortable or upset in a certain situation, then don't go. if someone is specifically upsetting you, then I think it's the right choice to distance yourself as much as you can from them. I'm sure your other friends would understand.
if shes being mean then dont involve urself with her