✨click for 3 wishes✨
I'm no genie, but I can give you a virtual hug! *hugs*💕
•loosing creativity:( still my style, not for long though.. probably going to use Triplet-Klf for inspiration soon💕#stopthehatepages✨


✨click for 3 wishes✨ I'm no genie, but I can give you a virtual hug! *hugs*💕 •loosing creativity:( still my style, not for long though.. probably going to use Triplet-Klf for inspiration soon💕#stopthehatepages✨

118 0
This is amazing!😱👏🏻💖
omg why
you are not a failure
just because that one stupid hate page thinks you are doesn't you should bring yourself down about it
you can't please everyone
how can I help
I know how you feel...I'm loosing creativity while I'm loosing my self to the edge
I'm surrounded by everyone who wants a feature so bad! And I don't want to think about all those but I keep on thinking about it and I always see all these amazing people make so much better and amazing edits!(honeydrop_, you, YouHaveTalent-BA DUM SS-, Sapphire_Ice,etc) I just feel so uninspired and useless and yea...
what the...^^^
I love this!
I love the quote!❤️✨