

28 1
I can't do this...
Claudia is staying but I can't save her and it almost happened again.... I'm crying why does this happen to me I can't do this
I was the reason....
no you weren't
Yes I was look at the comments
I read them all Chris..
See it was
It always is
Chris I don't know what to do anymore
What's wrong??
everything. Liam isn't on, you're blaming yourself, my best friend irl hates me, I cut earlier because my friend Logan is mad at me and so is gunner my boyfriend and Claud was about to do it.
I didn't know how to tell you
Well that's slightly depressing
idk why they're all mad at me. Logan is gunners best friend and I hang with both of them all the time. I think gunner thinks I'm cheating on him with Logan..
I didn't mean to not tell you I swear I was gonna tell you I just didn't know how to bring it up
That's stupid
I know
Well both out boyfriends are mad at us
you have a bf?!
I feel horrible now
you have a boyfriend?! and why?
But I don't think he likes me anymore so
like why do u feel horrible
oh my god you're dating Liam?!
Because you're supposed to be able to tell me things and I'm a bad friend
Not anymore
did you break up with him?
then why did you say not anymore?
Well he told me he loved me and I thought we were dating but I guess he changed his mind because he kissed me originally but later when I kissed him he pushed me away and told me to stop so
Chris maybe he's just scared
No he's not
It's fuçkin Liam
how do you know?
that doesn't have to do with anything!
He doesn't like me Ivory
how do you know that?
It wouldn't have ever worked anyway
Chris please stop putting yourself down I hate it
No, I'm not, I want a committed relationship and he wants freedom
it's hard being in a relationship Chris
We just aren't meant to work out.
No I mean, he wants to be able to leave whenever he wants. He pretty much wants me to be his fallback
Besides that he's eighteen, an alcholic, and a smoker
I know but..I dunno
I'll be fine if that's what you're worried about
I'm worried about everything. you're at the top of the list
Don't worry about me
well I do
Well don't
Chris I'll always worry
I'm very scared
I want to get you
why're you scared ?
But that means I have to leave my life here as well as pretty much become a single parent without the legal ability to work or drive with a twelve year old child
okay one you aren't going to pretty much become a single parent and two I'm not a child
I'm old enough to take care of myself
See, this is why I didn't tell you the majority of the reason I didn't leave before.
Don't get offended, you know full well what I mean. I'm the one almost old enough to get a job and I'm ridiculously overprotective. I am fully aware you can take care of yourself, but that doesn't mean I want you to. I am also fully aware you aren't a child, but you also realize no matter how grown up you are, if we left, I would be responsible because I'm fourteen. It's not about personality or maturity, it's about age and the law, and you know that.