Collage by Spiers_43


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I'm bi, and I'm a girl, so can I still write a paragraph about you? I've literally never even met you or looked at your profile before but I'll give it a go! You're a Libra, and you love books. You enjoy peace, and can be agitated when there's tension or chaos. You're sweet and kind and love animals. You have many friends, although you're not as content as you'd like to be. You live in a hot place, but you'd never want to live anywhere else. You've got a few admirers, and have your eye on a person yourself. You love pie and your favorite color is yellow. There! I totally made up a paragraph, I totally guessed everything. I hope I made your day! And by the way, you don't need boys to write nice paragraphs about you! We're strong enough without them 😊 Although getting something sweet for a boy can be fun 😊
Thanx @rey-from-jakku!