Collage by summer_18_vocals


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OMG SO SORRY!!! just saw the comment!!!
ok, what advice do you need? and whenever you talk on the chat, please comment :) on one of my older collages so I know that you did and so people don’t think your spamming me
oh hi! i have to go soon, but i just i am confused on what verses and choures are its just confusing. can you help?
and yes i do have a nose mouth thumbs, etc. 😂😂😂😂😂🤪
ok, verses are...
let’s take amazing grace for example
actually look in the remixes
and I think you mean choir?
because I’ve never heard of a chour.
I might’ve forgotten too, I hear things and forget how they’re spelled lol
omg i didn't even notice i spelled it wrong till now! lol😂
yeah, it’s usually a chorus that sings in a church
anything else you would like to ask me about music? when I was in fifth grade, I had gotten a GREAT singing coach! she was already a family friend so I knew her well! she taught me how to sing and she eventually helped my find my love for theater! so I know a little bit about acting too. but mostly singing because I’ve been singing my whole life
yes its kinda related. i have a looot of stage fright... i think i already mentioned it but i just don't feel singing in front of people because (1) i don't know how to warm up my voice
(2)don't singing coaches cost money?
(and time) obvi
1) to warm up, look it up on YouTube, they have really good warms ups on there
2) singing coaches do cost money but they are worth it. they help you learn things about yourself and that also help with stage fright
3) shake your hands and take a deep breath and know that no one knows that you mess up unless you point it out and make a face
and also, Disney songs make great warm ups, just don’t project it too much that you tire out your voice
thank you so much! your such a big help!
no problem! if you need anymore help, please do talk to me on in my comments!
(I don’t get notifications for this)
ooohhhh okay