Here ya go!


Here ya go!

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then you should really consult everyone at my school about that, I’m picked on about my looks a lot
yeah I’m so emotionally depressed, unstable, and suicidal
thanks, and sorry idk what your talking about, I’m non-religious
then why do I feel so alone, why is all the bad shît in the world happen to me this year, my grandma died, my grandpa almost died, my cousin tried to commit suicide, my friend tried to kill herself cause her mom died. if there’s a god why isn’t he cutting me some slack, life is just chewing me up and spitting me back out and no one cares
actually I was a mistake, I wasn’t supposed to be born
he took the only person in my family who cared for my emotional health, I think he’s trying to make me commit suicide
nobody is perfect, I’m nobody so I’m perfect
nobody cares about me, I’m pretty sure I’m a nobody, your beloved god took away the only person that cared
I was getting better but now I’m falling back into the pit of despair, into the whole which people get swallowed by sadness and grief, I’m not angry at him, if he were a real person I would beat his ašš to a pulp
exactly, you don’t know me, or what I’ve been through, my life has been terrible since the day I was born, the whole world hates me, and your so called god just seems it’s funny to make a girl think about killing herself more than 25 times a day
where is your so called god when you need him the most, I needs him for the past four years and all I got was a shîtton of craàp
he doesn’t care for me, I bet he is rooting for me to kill myself, seeing how much more shît I can take before I’m at my breaking point, I’m almost at my breaking point, he doesn’t care, he isn’t helping me, all he’s doing is seeing how long I can last
my heart is heavy, it’s so broken there’s no hope of mending it, I’m just emotional then numb
and I feel like cutting
nope, he gave up on me, I guess even “god” can’t handle my stubbornness I’m like a mule I won’t budge
another lonely day full of people hating and being yelled at and being stressed from having to miss school then having to catch up, having to many things going on, canceling rumors spread about you, trying to sleep in because the loneliness is better than being bullied, avoiding everyone, drawing all over your arms because your a wimp but you wanna cut, there’s a typical day in my life, oh yeah I forgot, thinking about suicide every few minutes
don’t you think that’s cruel to his son! what if his son wanted something better, see he didn’t care about how his son felt about coming here to die, so therefor he does not care for me
no, I hate pain
night xxx
exactly! the son had no say, he should have his fair say since it’s his life being taken, not the fathers
but Jesus is the one who had the agonizing pain of being crucified, imagine that your father sent you away from safety to have you killed, how would you feel?
it was unfair of him to ask, is he too lazy to do it himself, it’s his creation
it’s not Jesus’s fault that his fathers creation is getting outta hand
people are dying, innocents are being tortured, people are going at war, where is your god when we need him
then I’m a fallen angel
no he isn’t if he is too perfect then why isn’t he trying to help me, oh it’s because I’m his greatest mistake huh, guess your god isn’t so perfect after all
or he’s telling me truths, Satan is a fallen angel, why would an angel want to leave heaven? well he probably left because he found out the divine god was a fraud
I’m dead on the inside what does it matter anymore
everyone gives up on me, he probably got tired of how stubborn I am
there is no god, if there was I wouldn’t be stuck in this hèllhole called earth with people who are trying to make me kill myself
“you can’t sell dreams to a person who’s walked through nightmares” I’ve been chewed up and spit back out, you can’t sell me this bull cràp about a savior
there’s this thing called a Big Bang theory
and I’m living proof that nobody cares, if they did I wouldn’t be on the verge of breaking
also I gotta go to sleep so sweet nightmares
and I trust science more, it’s one of my favorite subjects
wants me to what kill myself, yeah, I already know that
sweet nightmares
are you sure? he sending messages that sound like, “I don’t give a f*** about you anymore go and kill yourself”
and I can garuntee that he’s telling me he hates me
omg! I am worthless how did he know
ya mean sweet nightmares! night
hi my school friend is the one you have been arguing with... kawaii pineaples
I think you did amazing trying to talk to her about Christian stuff but all of my friends and I have tried and failed multiple times