That's my first selfie


That's my first selfie

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thanks for the spam Duncan
I'm did you say anything to Emily? I found her in her room cutting.. and she said it was someone on here....
um... I don't think so... she asked me to guess her weight but I told her i didn't want to because I was always taught not to :/ but I hope she's ok I'll see if I can talk to her
alright..she's locked in the what to do... ~Taylor
but she's with via so idk...
can you talk to her through the door
I tried..she didn't answer me...I hear her crying..but only Emily..I don't hear a sound from via..I'm worried....
I might try to pick the lock
or if that doesn't work break down the door
yeah I'll try brb
they came out.......
good is everything ok?
kinda...not really....Emily cut..really deep...and via cut also...😕
oh I'm sorry to hear that do you know why?
no..via just said she deserved it and Emily is just...silent
well tell me when you know something