TW @ comments


TW @ comments

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it's funny isn't it how you go from having an okay day to wanting to carve words into your skin with a blade to always remind you you'll n e v e r be good enough or pretty enough and you feel useless and week and anxious and you'd rather fail every class than go to school and you'd rather stay in bed and not care about the blood getting everywhere from the open cuts and every second of the dàmn day you think about slicing your skin and you just want to be alone but you know too many people and there's nothing you can do to make them go away and you'd rather walk home alone again but you c a n t because they won't give you the option too and on that walk home you'd like to sob your eyes out until you reach home to grab a blade and you can't go spilling your feelings out to people because they don't want to hear it they d o n t they don't care they liked it better when you didn't say anything and you need to stop acting like it's okay to tell people because eventually other people find out and you can't have them find out because you don't want to stop you can't it's like an addiction and you can't do anything at all you don't feel like trying you don't feel like dealing with life or the world or anything it's exhausting it's terrible I hate it just about as much as I hate myself
I need to do something
why isn't my brain allowing me to hurt myself
why can't I function properly
I know the feeling, fren. but I want you to know you are good enough. yeah, I know, I'm just some bïtch on the Internet and what I say doesn't matter. but please - you are good enough. you are better than good enough. you are WORTHY. worthy of all the happiness in the world. please don't self harm. distract yourself - listen to TØP, draw, read, anything. this might be weird, but it helped me just to touch the blade. I wrapped it on gauze, and have it a nice little box. just touching it, treating it like something personal, quelled the urge. idk. but I'm so sorry you don't have the opportunity to walk home. let talking with me be your walk home. I'm here to listen to you. I'm here for support. ily ❤️ stay safe
no problem at all. I'm so happy I could bring a smile to your face. ily fren