I've been wanting to watch The Perks Of Being a Wallflower for quite some time (mostly because Emma Watson is in it but also because the story seems uplifting).ðŸŒļI started reading the Fifth Wave, and it is so well-written and interesting that I just can't


I've been wanting to watch The Perks Of Being a Wallflower for quite some time (mostly because Emma Watson is in it but also because the story seems uplifting).ðŸŒļI started reading the Fifth Wave, and it is so well-written and interesting that I just can't

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THE FIIIIFTH WAAAAVE, oh my God! It's so cool! The movie was OK, I guess, but the book? 😍😍
I think I'm the only person on the face of this planet who read The Fifth Wave and hated it. Well, I didn't hate it, I just strongly disliked it. I guess I just like books that are more professional and elegant. And also, I couldn't connect to the characters at all, and I absolutely need to love the characters to love a book. In The Winners Curse trilogy, I was so drawn to it because of the characters and the flawless professional 3rd person view. I still think about that book every single day and the third one comes out at the end of March!!!!! Sorry, you probably didn't care about that but it's a fandom of mine that I share with no one so I can never vent my feelings about the book. 😂 And you just had to be the lucky one because you brought up the topic of books and I like talking to you!