Notice Meh
I decided to make my sister an edit
because she did her best to nurse me back to better 
health. She wanted it dank but I don't really edit that way.
*snuffle sniffle*


Notice Meh I decided to make my sister an edit because she did her best to nurse me back to better health. She wanted it dank but I don't really edit that way. *snuffle sniffle*

38 0
oh that's nice of her. I hope you feel better soon! :)
You know her! I am glad someone does! I only know some of her earliest work but I thought I had to make something as small as it were, btw this is really cute ✨
Ooo this is so petty. I love the colors so much.
pretty dank if you ask me / also sure you can ;)
np ur collages are cool! 💕😆 xxxx
re// ya I know. I'm screaming internally XD
re// you don't have to go into further detail. I was using your comment as a good example.
hi luna! thank you for welcoming me, i'm settling in just fine!
oh don't let me stop you