Collage by -afterglow


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kayshaun:*opens the door letting yall in*.
k: wassup *sits back down on the couch* leah: *waves*
k: *looks over at kaleah*. k: *stands up before clearing my throat lifting up my shirt revealing a small bump*
k: *laughs quietly* k: *hits him and rolls eyes* i’m pregnant and it’s hours.
k: *nods slowly as i nibble my lip a bit before walking upstairs*. k: *sighs glancing at her shaking my head*
*waits for a moment follows her upstairs *
*shuts the door behind myself talking to her for a moment*
*opens the door walking out*
she’s alright she’s just a lil scared , it’s a boy *nods a bit* so o think she thought he’d be excited to teach him football
*nods as i walk downstairs *
*nods a bit as i look down at my hands*
*nods slowly as i look at you letting a small smile escape my mouth*
*nods and gets up pulling at my pants *. k: come in.
*gets in the car*. *sits up a bit looking before laying back down* oh.
*shrugs* it doesn’t really matter. *nods and looks at my phone turning to my side to glance at you* it’s okay.
*looks down at my phone texting*. the night before i graduated , it’s a boy *nods a bit*
*puts my phone in my pocket getting out*. *nods a bit sitting up a bit*
*follows behind taking my shoes off as well*. *looks over at your eyes for a moment before looking back down at my phone staying quiet *
nah im good, thank you tho *nods*. in three months *nods a bit*
*sits on the phone clearing my throat*. *nod as i take a deep breath*
*l—ks my lips before answering my phone stepping out* yoo. *nods a bit tucking hair behind my ear * i think i’m going to move back in with my mom probably , living with my brother isn’t going to be that smart with a newborn.
*talks for a few minutes before walking back in*. *nods a bit glancing at you running my tongue across my lip thinking* i mean it’s only if you want to be around the baby all the time.
yea my homeboys just wanna go out to the club *nods*. *nods slowly looking at you before looking back down at my phone for a moment* guess i need to get ready to move out soon.
*nods grabbing my keys*. my brother could probably just help me *nods a bit* i know you’re busy with football.
*nods walking out to my car*. *nods a bit as i adjust myself on the bed a bit*
*walks into the club moments later*. *stays silent for a moment before reaching in my drawer grabbing the ultrasound pictures handing them to you slowly*
*calls you a few hours on facetime sitting outside *. *nods a bit tucking hair behind my ear letting out a small laugh* yea, my brother said the same.
*slurs my words a bit* yea i have no idea where the h-ll im at though. *lays on my side watching you for a moment *
*sends my location shutting my eyes* mm , i’m never drinking this much again. k: you can have them both *nods* i got more in my drawer plus some i gave my mom
*gets up before walking to the passenger side getting in leaning back shutting my eyes*. *nods back at you before getting off of the bed slowly rubbing my stomach before fixing my hair in the bun it’s in*
mine *keeps my eyes shut*. k: you know you can sit down on my bed i’m not going to bite you , plus you’re the only guy who’s been in there *shrugs walking to my closet finding night clothes*
*opens my eyes before opening the door stumbling out*. d-mn. k: *slides off my shirt and pants putting on an oversized shirt before turning off the lights getting back into the bed *.
*holds your hand and walks into the house*. k: you can stay in here, i mean only if you want though *nods a bit*
*nods as i hold onto the railing going upstairs* k: *nods as i lay down fully placing my hand onto my stomach before nibbling my lip gently glaring over at you*
*falls onto the bed shutting my eyes letting out a soft groan*. k: *keeps my eyes on you for a moment looking down at your chest before looking away quickly *
*opens my eyes before taking the advil putting the bottle down by the night stand*. k: *looks back over at you locking eyes with you for a moment*
*shuts my eyes as i groan* you’re leavinggg who’s going to take care of me my sister is pregnant she’s no help. k: *looks at you before slowly shutting my eyes*
but why not sleep in here what if i have a nightmare *keeps my eyes shut *. k: *slowly falls aslep*
*slides over before shutting my eyes*. k: *sleeps*
maybe , maybe not must not know i used to be a pro drinker *keeps my eyes shut*. k: *moves a bit in my sleep*
*shuts my eyes falling asleep a bit*. k : *sleeps*
*sleeps*. k: *sleeps snoring lightly*
*sleeps*. k: *slowly opens my eyes*
*wakes up sitting up yawning*. k: *gets out of bed before sliding on shorts opening the door walking downstairs*
*looks at my phone before going into the bathroom turning on the shower*. k: *walks into the kitchen opening the fridge*
*walks back into my room a few minutes later with a towel around my torso biting my lip concentrating on my phone*. k: *grabs a yogurt bowl before walking back upstairs *
*nods taking it* thank you. *eats walking back into my room sitting on the edge of the bed looking at you for a moment*
i feel alright *nods a bit opening the water drinking it*. k: morning *eats as i look at the tv tucking hair behind my ear*
*shakes my head looking at you finishing the water*. k: *finishes throwing it in the trash before sitting back down taking a deep breath before rubbing my stomach as i feel kicks*
*nods as i walk into my closet finding clothes*. k: *nods as i rub my stomach shutting my eyes * yea, baby just being a bit rough this morning.
*looks at my phone texting people before putting my phone down getting dressed*. k: *nods as i rub my stomach biting my lip gently i
*lays in bed texting *. *gets up before walking into the bathroom*
*scrolls through my phone *. *watches you for a moment *