Kill yourself


Kill yourself

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I thought you were done
no I'm not done. I'm not gonna be done until you realize what a fûck up you are. that's why your a fûck boy. you never had a dad. piece of shît. your just a worth less guy who doesn't deserve to live. do you know that? Abby doesn't give a fûck about you. no one does. remember how you told me your mom doesn't even like u. no FXCKING wonder. no one needs you here. you asś hole. kill yourself.
So what if he didn't have a dad? that's not his fault and he can't fûcking change that. abby does care about him, we all do. he's the most loyal dámn best friend i've ever had and what you're saying is bs. he's not worthless and he sure as hèll deserves to live. tell him to kill himself all you want but he's NOT GOING TO. because he knows you don't mean shît to him and that you're the worthless one.
just die nunu.
is that what you want?
okay (:
get out. i'm done with you spreading lies. just leave. i care a lot about him, and it's not my fault you're psycho and paranoid. leave us alone.
Idc about you or Adriana I just want him to FXCKING die like the bxtch he is
at this point i couldn't care less if you don't like me. but don't ever come at nunu again or i will personally fly to your house and beat you to a pulp. understood? (:
do it then whxre. he doesn't even like u why do u stick up for him
i'll go with abby (:
because i care about him. whether or not he cares about me back is out of my control. but i'll be here for him.
kys nunu kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
slît your wristsNunu
JK you probably already do
shut up. stop.
guess it's good now that we know how insane you are
I'm not INSABE you bxtch
Nunu just needs to die
can you quit it already
you are insane. what happened to you?
nunu doesn't need to die... what is wrong with you ?
you kill yourself
tayler can you stop? this is so stupid. just bc he decides he doesn't want to date you doesn't mean you need to hate on him. how does that benefit anyone. hes gonna listen to some dumb walmart looking aśs who doesn't understand she needs to move on. I'm over this bullshît. hes my best friend and i don't appreciate all this unnecessary hate so delete this please or i will drive to your house and bomb it.
"walmart" this is why cam is my bestfriend😭😂