Would you rather have your flaws appear as words on your skin constantly, have a little ghost follow you around and say what you're really thinking, or have little hearts appear on your skin when you think of your crushes? (for the last one, it restarts e


Would you rather have your flaws appear as words on your skin constantly, have a little ghost follow you around and say what you're really thinking, or have little hearts appear on your skin when you think of your crushes? (for the last one, it restarts e

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the hearts on my skin, I think..haha idk
hearts on my skin cuz i don’t have crushes ayyyy
hearts on the skin. that way, everyone will know each other’s feelings and no one will be confused and no one would lose sleep because of overthinking stuff and life would just be so much easier that way tbh
The hearts because I don’t have a crush😂