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ahhhhh it's soooo cute 😍❣️
yes 😏
I love it
it's so sexy princess I don't even know how I could stand you in a bikini 😍🤤
*bites my lip*
*laughs* that tickles
*laughs and picks you up* my queen
I didn't say I didn't break up with u :( I'm sorry I'm not
what she hates me ?
I'm not into drama and I'm not getting involved if that's what she wants
so we are breaking all relationships?
then be so, I will tell Jenna,Dylan ,and Tyson for u
ps if they do break up,I would just say that Dylan gets the child
well dylan can sort that,and I told Jenna, and Tyson,Dylan doesn't know so you tell him
well you said you don't know so, I told them it was over
well opps,of summer isn't mine then no one is dating anyone from this account so bye
it's ur fault :)
hallo my fried chicken lover 😂❤️
what's up princessss
I love yoiuuu
it's almost 1:30 am where I am 😂
sounds good I'm planning to go to bed soon too
1:22 where I live
where do you live?
that's cool
I live in Boston
yeah same. in a hot room all day gotta love those days
couldn't agree more
I love the summer but hot rooms don't work to well with me
Night I'll talk to you later
thank you Soph❤️
that's good
are you happy that's he's back
that's great
only if you post for me 😉
I'm posting a picture that will hopefully turn you on 😏