Collage by stxners2


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y’all left idk ? - mads
long story
i just had a fight with my boyfriend and andrew was being annoying
don’t act like you care abt me mikey
you push me away
and you use me to get you stuff . if you care then fxcking act like it
exactly. you always leave
thanks babes 😂
did you get sophia pregnant .
y’all were cute
mikey stop being stubborn *feeds matthew junior*
mhm okay . you aren’t loyal for anyone
she was loyal too!! her ex came back demanding her and she’s scared to lose her son
she broke up with you
tanner needs to leave lillian alone .
your one to talk mikey .
just admit you want her
she’s better then anyone on lexi’s account and your not getting my pxxsy
please don’t start mikey .
lilian’s crying , i gotta go *hugs you* i’m here for you
why you being like this
whatever . *gets in the shower
bc i went on a run this morning *showers
*gets out and puts junior down for a nap* whatcha wanna do
give sophia a second chance .
you want blonde or brunette
the brunette ones hotter but ok
wanna go shopping
*changes into a legging and a big t-shirt with vans*
you ready
am i driving
alright *grabs my keys*
*drives to the mall*
thx to whoever said that :)) -fiona
wait where’s Damien? -Fiona
hi anyone in abbey.
*gets out*
where you wanna go first
k *goes to american eagle
looks around
yayyy :)
okay good cuz I’m weg
spreads my legs as my tiny puxxy squirts everywhere-
moans hard-
d-Damien can I suxk on ur fingers please?
because I’m single ?...
b-bye... 😔I thought we were fwends :(
d-Damien?... :(
why won’t u tlak to Fiona now Damien?? -Luna
or just ignore my ahh 🙄
can we go . i needa drink or ima go crazy
drives home
you want a beer
*hands you one* i’m gonna lose my sister , like actually irl. she ain’t gonna come back from the dead like sophie and lexi and then
*drinks* mikey i’m so scared
*crawls into a ball*
i can’t do this app , my boyfriend doesn’t even care about me . bye
he’s never here . bye
mikey no . you have a girl , and i miss my boyfriend . i’m leaving til he’s back
i got you a girl , you don’t need me
i have a boyfriend , he’s hurt never here and you always ignore me when you have girlfriends
neither do you mikey
i am friends with tanner but my sister loves him . plus i’m not giving him pxxsy and if i dated someone on this account it would be you
when he treats my sister right then i will
he doesn’t treat her right
they just needa admit they need each other
i think it’s a little more i mean she wanted to cheat
that’s gross
i don’t like him like that , i’m sorry mikey
no not at all , i love my boyfriend he’s just never here
none of u can stay away from that account and give them every chance in the god dang world but when fiona fuxking only tlalks to one dude ya’ll don’t even respond to her. real nice. bye -All
mikey please stop
your not
@meg - olive, bailey , madison
ughh i want dxck
ew no , his dxck is worse than yours. i want my boyfriends
mikey stop , i’m not getting with tanner or giving him pxssy
well please stop
i don’t like tanner!!! get another guy to join
happy now
i’m not talking to tanner .
he’s ugly
^that jack guy
your wrong mikey , so wrong 😂
you know i think he’s hot . mm god your mean
fxck you 😂😂❤️
go find a new bestie 😂
whatcha want me to tell her ? you’ve eaten me out
you did once or twice sober 😂 but i won’t tell her
hi anybody .. I’m Alana
yeha, you also did stuff for me you didn’t do for no one else
what’s up buttercup?
you have a memory
who am i talking to ?
i’m not bringing the past up
you eat me out, we were almost together, you were loyal, we were chill
or legit just ignore me. 🙄
we were together for awhile ..
that’s all ya’ll ever do is fuzking tlak to one dayum account. 🙄🙄so fuzking annoying.
yes and no 😂
to who
then do it
i don’t have a dxck
i’m not turned on
no hot ones
lays on the couch in my bra and thong
which one
haven’t talked to my boyfriend Matt , but your friend matt is chill
rubs myself
i low key miss you
your welcome
what’s tanners deal
he’s acting weird
oh well
gang gang
he’s about to get me drunk and hugh
ima be fxcked
that you don’t get my pxxsy? 😂
then leave your girl for the night and come to matt’s house
bc she think ima take you
that’s what i said 😂😂
haha sorry 😂😂 i had too
okay i’m like naked .. mikey why 🤦🏽‍♀️ why do i do this to myself
how ..
it’s a one night stand . nun else
no i cut it off ..
i love my boyfriend
he might be busy
a couple days ago for like 5 minutes
don’t give me that look .
mikey please stop ..
mikey stop!!! he still treats me better then you ever did , please don’t act like you are. it hurts
mikey please . *looks at you about to cry
leans into you crying
cries hard* why . why does every guy treat me like fxcking garbage . *looks at you with tears in my eyes running down my cheeks* and you probably think i’m some big baby
you truly do treat me like a queen , in your own way ❤️
i’ll think about it , i promise
ily mikey
seriously? i mean it as a best friend and you can’t even say it back 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
see can go sxck a hippos dxck
oof i sxcked matt’s
he ate me out and oh lord he’s better then you
i’m happy for you too
every guy likes me
you did at one point 😂 plus your my best friend
everyone else has already logged off , but ima head to bed. night bestie
hey mikey
hugs you from behind* how’d you sleep
that’s good
ok i guess
i’m fine
mikey stop worrying
*hugs my knees*
i don’t feel good
my cramps are rly bad
can we cuddle ...
bye then
any girls wanna be friends? -Leslie
thx. -A
wanna smoke
cig or weed
don’t go crazy .. *rolls two blunts
last time we got high i got pregnant . *lights two handing you one
i think he loves me .. mikey this ain’t good
you sure? he’s getting all jealous
smokes* tanner ain’t talking to me
he didn’t answer yesterday either
ion like him like that
i just friend zoned matt ..
well he technically asked
why does every guy have to fall for me .. i’m not even hot *gets up running my fingers through my hair
why? why tho
not the point
how’s your girl
tell me
lier *rolls my eyes
this app is annoying , i’m leaving
don’t make me look so bad 😂
he didn’t even offer to buy my shii .
shrugs* even you buy my stuff
when we go out you do
why ain’t you talking to hippo dxck
which way
like high or pxxsy
ask hippo dxck
she told meg she’s preggo
it’s your baby
whatcha want me to do
force her to fxck or find pxxsy
you have hxes
me .. another girl on my account
you don’t like my pxxsy none
seriously? your dxck is a shrimp *goes upstairs mad
you wanted me to find you some five seconds ago
seriously!! you fxcking told her!! now she’s up my ašs
i’m about to beat her ašs
she’s cursing at me!! she’s got a stick up her ašs
your not getting my pxxsy anymore
seriously 🙄
will you finger me thoo
you have to eat me out too .
yet you wouldn’t for your girl 😂
look at recent
sits on your lap twērking hard
your hot *twērks fast
mikey . come on , you know i make you hard
you know my pxxsy is the best
your no fun . *rubs myself
i’m sure you do
you said you’d do shii , now you lying to me . *rolls my eyes going upstairs
forget it . you don’t find me hot
actually will you eat me out
i’m not dating him
do it .
don’t be a wuss
forget it , find a new best friend
nevermind forget it
why does it matter
delete your remix and i’ll tell you
delete the ok 😂
idc delete it pls
anyway i said forgot about eating me out i’m over it
your gonna be a wuss
you actually wanted too , didn’t you !!
mhmmm k . & no
stop being a hxe
no its not Mikey . you can be loyal
your not hurting my friends , you already hurt sophia and your gonna hurt lexi
it literally says your her daddy
shrugs* your better then this .
you ain’t gonna find nobody better then me
thought i didn’t make you hard
nah i’m good
i don’t gotta do everything
that don’t work
like what
name sum
i don’t need anything
who said i loved you
sophie’s account begs for you , hxe around with them
you used to be crazy for them
no i don’t
that’s your problem not mine
it’s tanners loss not mine
bc your a big boy
kinda is
mikey don’t , you’ll never get them off you
ask megan
tell matt to chill tf out! my boyfriend came on , and he’s my world
i’m out , excuse you
it doesn’t matter , he broke up with me
your not sorry
bc you pushed me to cheat
my life is hxll , i hate you
this is all your fault
what are you talking about
shrugs* he wasn’t listening anyway
don’t act like you care and i’m not laughing
he doesn’t know you and i’ve prolly told him worst tbh
i didn’t say you did!!! i said it felt like it
mikey he don’t care
everyone says that
he’s not gonna take it seriously
fine then leave me too
i wouldn’t care
i just lost everything
go away .
no i’m leaving
i’m not dating you 😂
i need a hug 😭😭😭😭😭
what the fxck
don’t say your my best friend then
forget it bye
what .
serious about what? i’m gonna get back with matt
i haven’t fxcking done anything wrong
glad i didn’t ask your opinion
hey I’m Brielle
anybody wanna fuzk ? -Jessica
who said that - mads
what’s wrong babes
oh .. sorry she’s sensitive
what’d you do this time
seriously mikey!! what the fxck
she only leaves bc she’s scared of you leaving her . like you just did
she’s obviously scared and tanners being nicer to her then you are
see , it’s obvious you don’t care
*hands you coffee* lilian’s crying so hard right not . get your ašs sober
now mikey .
pulls off your boxers and my thong
jumps on riding* miss me baby
rides hard as humanly possible bouncing
you wanna get back together
makes out with you
goes faster and harder bouncing like crazy
cxms and gets off
your welcome , i know how to pleasure you .. *kisses you walking into the kitchen naked
grabs a spray can of whipped cream and comes back upstairs* hi daddy
*sprays a line of whipped cream down your dxck as i swirl my tongue around it
sxcks you off hard and fast
dēephthrôatš hard
swallows your load of cxm
hands you the can of whipped cream and i lay on my back
milk comes out as i moan
me and megan are fxcking
mikey admit you miss me
i want a relationship but sure
plays with your dxck
welcome daddy
gets in riding hard
rides hard and fast
moans riding harder and faster
dangles my huge txts in your face
god i love you
god baby *moans loudly
my eyes roll back
cxms and gets off
you want help babe
rubs your dxck hard and fast
jërkš you off* i’m gonna have your baby
seriously mikey .
kisses you
okay i get that
tan and lil are cute
lilian is so happy ..
are you happy
smiles wide
kisses you and sits on your lap rolling a blunt
megan’s hot
this is boring , bye
kisses you rubbing my belly* what’s wrong
i’d rather bc fxcking
lay down baby
slips it in me
are we official? *rides fast
are we gonna be
oh ..
i’m gonna have sxx with matthew .. he actually wants me . *kisses you getting up
dayum . you don’t even want me *rolls my eyes slapping my ahh as it jiggles in your face
babe let go
i fxcking want you , why can’t you want me
not according to lil
i wish you loved me like that
you’ve never loved or wanted a relationship with me but alright baby *kisses you
u jêrkiñg off to lil
i haven’t sent any pictures
you want help
anybody wanna be my friend? if so remix me :) I’m Anna
god baby that’s hot
goes into the kitchen
sends you a video of me
comes in and gets on my knees jērking
gets up walking outside naked leaving
to hang out with a guy that actually wants me
all you gotta say is three words .
why mikey
why can’t you say it
say it or i’m getting an abortion
yet you can’t love me ? this will be our ninth child
i’m already pregnant
i can’t get pregnant again the
moans loudly
moans louder cxming
rubs myself
kisses you
i don’t get why we can’t be together . ima date matt if you don’t want me ..
any black guys? I’m molly
mikey seriously
don’t act like you care . and don’t fxcking send the kissy face
*goes upstairs rolling my eyes* i’m just a fxck doll
that’s what i fxcking feel like to you
then act like you . you treat me like shii and get me pregnant . no thank you or i love you
fxck you
you always fxcking lead me on *goes upstairs
fingers myself sending you a video
fingers hard as the kids walk in
goes hard as i moan
screams moaning as they all watch
moans enjoying myself
pushes you out and goes downstairs
i don’t have to stop doing anything , have fun wiping tanner and matthews tears . your blocked .
if you care about me enough then you’ll make a new account , bye
bye dxckhead