Hey people! How's life?πŸ˜‚ Hope u guys had a good Tues so far! Or whatever day u are in, I just wanna say that to all my besties,I'll try to understand whatever u are feeling rite now,Iqah nvr dies on u :)


Hey people! How's life?πŸ˜‚ Hope u guys had a good Tues so far! Or whatever day u are in, I just wanna say that to all my besties,I'll try to understand whatever u are feeling rite now,Iqah nvr dies on u :)

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this is so pretty
its okay to be worried! but try to be brave πŸ’• and thanks πŸ˜‚ i kinda drew the lips too big so now i really don't like the draw.. but oh well. i always mess up the lips on ALL my drawings πŸ’•πŸ˜‚
yeah, i definitely know how you feel. here. I'm gonna write you a poem to make you feel better. 😘 life is hard, but we can get through the ups and downs, okay? :)
"She Is Iqah" by Shreya She never faltered, Never gave up, But the skies were threatening to swallow her up. She stumbled, And grabbed on to nothing But made it her everything. She is strong, she is fearless, she is beautiful and brave. She’s been trying to color inside the lines But her hands keep pulling her to new, different, magical places. She is courageous, she is funny, she is amazing and wonderful. She is an inspiration. She is my inspiration. She is Iqah.
I'm sorry it sucks :(
ty iqah, it means a lot to me😘
awhh thanks iqahhhh πŸ’–
YEAH! it was awesome! hbu babe??