Collage by BVB_LES666


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when you feel comfortable telling her and when you know she will listen is when you should how you should is go up to get and tell her that you need to talk about something important she will listen and no matter what she says she loves you and always will support you it might take her a while to accept it but time will tell
I've been a les for about three or four years now and I've still haven't told her
I'm worried about her reaction
no matter what she says or does know that she will forgive herself(like if she freaks out) but that's normal I now it's hard to tell her but she will understand
for years and years I've tried to tell her but I chocked out every time
one time she almost found out cause I wouldn't stop talking, I almost told her but I stopped myself
does she love you
to be honest, I don't know right now
me and her fight a lot 😔
does she love you because even if she doesn't show it she does and no matter what she will trust me I know
she will support you even if she yells at first she will love and support you
I think she's against same gender relationships. 😔
I know that she will be there for you and I know that she will be angry for a bit but she will learn to accept your sexuality
I hope so, but she's gonna tell her friends though 😔
so what let them say what they think as long as you are confident and happy that's all that matters
yea you're right, I shouldn't care about what they say because it's my life and they can't change that, If I'm into only girls, they should accept that
yeah and no matter what your mom will always love you
maybe I should yell that I'm a les and jump up and down with a smile on my face 😄😂
haha 😂
that's amazing
I told my dad I'm bi and he's completely against same gender people being together and he took it pretty well but I can't tell my mom
I had the perfect chance to tell my mom yesterday, but I chickened out again
your mum will love you no matter what and she should support you in the decisions you make and respect you for them. just be brave and tell her because the longer you leave it the harder it will be to tell her. hope this helps a little xxx