
I think I'm watching too many Disney transformation on YouTube cos I was inspired by those videos to create this collage :P QOTD: What is your fav Disney character? A: ...uHm I dONt wAtCH iT aNyMORe aNd I DoNT hAvE a PRefErEnce??


πŸŽΆπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈπŸŽΆ I think I'm watching too many Disney transformation on YouTube cos I was inspired by those videos to create this collage :P QOTD: What is your fav Disney character? A: ...uHm I dONt wAtCH iT aNyMORe aNd I DoNT hAvE a PRefErEnce??

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love your pic collage icon