Collage by im_a_terrible_person


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and UR the bad person? it sounds like gay buddy over here need to get into a bag and f himself 😤😋 sorry iM aGgRESsiVE
look, I may know who you are I may not. YOU. ARE. NOT. A. TERRIBLE. PERSON. “gay buddy” needs to realise he lives in 2018 where being bi or gay is accepted. ugggh some people. I really hate homophobic people. look, you are not a terrible person. many people see through your sexuality and love you for being you. ignore him. if you ever need to talk, I’ll be here. 💗
omg gay buddy is so rude!!! he should realize that!!!
some people don’t understand that it doesn’t matter who you live or your sexuality. If he doesn’t accept LGBTQ+ then he has some problems going on. I’m not saying I’m taking his side, but maybe he’s doing this because something is going on with himself. Maybe he’s worried he won’t be accepted in the world. Find a way to block him out. And I know I’ve said this a million times but really, we are here for you!!💗💗💗
also, you are not fat. granted I haven’t seen a picture of you, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re fat. I know for a fact that you are beautiful the way you are. don’t change a thing and don’t stop eating!! If your doctor says that your overweight and need to go on a diet, then you can. But if not don’t! You’ll just hurt yourself.