it's joshua's birthday in korea right now so I went ahead and made an edit. this boy means the world to me and I love him sososo much. can't believe he's 21. happy birthday, 조슈아. ❤


it's joshua's birthday in korea right now so I went ahead and made an edit. this boy means the world to me and I love him sososo much. can't believe he's 21. happy birthday, 조슈아. ❤

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I didn't delete the insta account, I just disabled it. I hate seeing the people who I know and grew up with, and I hoped disabling it might help me not get curious then trigger myself looking at my feed again. I think I might create a different account where I follow you and other people I know on PC, people I actually like and don't make me feel emotionally threatened. Do I need to make another one, specifically so your parents know that I'm a Christian tøp fan and not a creepy ax murderer? 😂 I didn't know if they'd already seen the account and knew I was a safe person, I was going to ask but I forgot to after I deleted.
No, it's not a problem at all! I was thinking of creating a separate account anyway, one that didn't have ties to those people. I think I do have a separate one; if I can remember the name, I'll login and make it a full account.
if not, I shall make another one :)
thankss :)