Leon won't be active for a few months, I think. He was trying to impress his other friends and fell. Broke his leg and his arm. I took him to the hospital and the doctors told me that he was gonna be there a bit so... The_Jester is inacti


CLICK FOR NEWS! Leon won't be active for a few months, I think. He was trying to impress his other friends and fell. Broke his leg and his arm. I took him to the hospital and the doctors told me that he was gonna be there a bit so... The_Jester is inacti

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I was hanging out with him today. He's recovering fine, but he's all wrapped in bandages. It's really sad...
Also, Sophia, I bought him a flower pillow and that's all he lays with. He said he misses you and is missing the taste of your loveliness.
He's fine. He's recovering nicely.
The doctors said some time in May. I think they said May 2nd, if I can remember.
I gave him a small Flowey to cuddle with if he misses you
Guess what?! He gets to come home early!!!