to mason mcbroom.. ❤️


to mason mcbroom.. ❤️

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I’m literally crying omg 😭
I love you so fxkn much addison 🤍🤍🤍🤍
I’m keeping this forever
as well as you 🤧😌
I love you baby
hehe yesss 🥲 I love this
party?!? I party with you
*laughs and goes upstairs
ahh *runs after you laughing
oh yeah? me tooo *smieks
hmm *comes over and looks
oooo yeah
I like it heheh
I’ll cover ya up
hmm can I wear a button up?
hehe you should pick for me
yeah I had to go in for a little
*comes over and looks
I’m over i5
I’m sleepy
I had to go to the store now Ima sleep
hmm *finds a black button up and puts it on leaving a few buttons unbuttoned
*smiles and finds some pants
buttons my pants*
*puts my shoes on
why not *pouts at you
hmm we can do it here?
*finishes and gets out and turns it off and wraps up in a towel
*goes into the closet and looks for some clothes to wear
*puts on some shorts and a jersey and puts the towel in the laundry basket and comes downstairs
did you find your phone babe? *walks in
good *comes into the kitchen and looks for something to eat
*grabs a poptart
recents pending
*comes over and sits next to you and eats
both pendinggg
*eats and looks around
yes hmph
did you sleep good? *looks at you
pc isn’t letting me send long comments on ur bio :(
*blows it back into your face and smiels
I feel like I’m dying so I don’t have time for anything rn
I don’t wanna talk
I love you ee
just wanna apologize for last night I was being a total dixk and I didn’t mean to I’m sorry for that I love you
i understand your mad at me so I’ll talk to you later
just text me when your ready :/
*drives home
*walks in taking my shoes off* addison?
*looks around for you
*scratches my head and comes upstairs looking for you* addison?!
*sees you frowing8 addison? *comes over
why have you been ignoring me *frowns
*frowns and squats down* babe *shakes you
addison stop *frowns and tries to make you stop* it’s me.. Mason
*notices and frowns but ignores it* it’s just me relax baby
*frowns and sits down and leans against the wall looking at you* look I’m sorry okay?
I really am… I’m a horrible person and husband… *sighs softly and says to myself as I play with my finger looking at them* you deserve better
*frowns more and stands up and leaves the room*
*stops when you say fhat* I know I was
*goes and sits on the bed and thinks for a moment * I-I know addison and I didn’t mean anything I said.. I don’t feel good at all and I just I was over everything that day and I just I put it out on you and I’m sorry I feel bad about it *frowns and looks down* I h8 myself for it..
I-it won’t happen again
I don’t mean to *frowns and looks down* I-I’m going to counseling to see if that helps… I-I never meant any of it *starts to cry softly to myself
okay I love you get some sleep goodnight baby
me too todays my first appointment
how’d you sleep
makes two of us I’m sorry baby
so soo much I hope you know that
where your bioooo
I think it’s pending
mmm fxkkk *continues
I can tell baby
hehe yeah?
forever and ever
*rubs you back softly and hold you* you don’t deserve this c
I misses youuu
oh when we celebrate?
hmoh baby :(
I don’t want to let it go well plan something dont worry
it’s not like I mean to babe:(
well I’m sorry okay?
we’ll figure it out I’ve been busy
I might but I can’t have the cheese
maybe I’ll just have street tacos
hahah oh lord *chuckles and walks to the toys
oh well that should help then
*opens my eyws* oh no
okay sweetheart *looks and walks over and looks at it * do you think he’ll like it
*smiles and puts it in the cart
okay *looks around
*finds some big Legos and grabs some *
ahh don’t he want the little legos *chuckles
no jr *chuckles
your just funny *smiles ans looks* o think he would toooo cuz it goes rawrrr *does it close to you
*goes upstairs
hi anyone im mailia
we gotta go get our bags
*takes your hand and walks
*gets to the baggage claim
*goes and grabs it*
*sees it and grabs it
yes *smiles
we have a car waiting for us I think
okay beautiful maybe I’ll get a bagel
*smiles wide*
you are *smiles and lets you up
*gasps* how ruddddeee *starts to tickle you again
*chuckles and con5inues then hears a knock and kisses you and gets up and awnser it
*grabs our food
*comes back after thanking them
mmm yummy *takes it to the table
mmm this ones yoursss *hands you your food
*takes mine out and starts eating
mmm yummm *eats
I’m so fxkn exhausted
I’ve been working 12 he shifts for like a week now
idk cuz people sxk
it’s okay
but I do I’m fxkn dumb
dint tell me to shut up addisin
k have a right to feel what I’m feeling
I don’t want to
*holds you tight and frowns* addison stop!
*hugs you
calm yourself *hugs
no your not *sighs
*holds you closer* no stop
Hope take deep breaths
*lets go
*sighs and goes to lay down
*sits on the couch and leans my arm on the arm rest
*sighs and gets up
*goes upstairs
*rubs my face and goes into our room
*crawls into bed and lays down my face facing the wall away from your side