It's not just the suicide itself. That forest should not be entered with the intention of vlogging or making jokes. It's absolutely disgusting that he even went in there with a camera. Children in Japan avoid playing near it. There are volunteers who go i


It's not just the suicide itself. That forest should not be entered with the intention of vlogging or making jokes. It's absolutely disgusting that he even went in there with a camera. Children in Japan avoid playing near it. There are volunteers who go i

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(caption continued) who go inside in hopes of changing suicidal people's minds. Logan Paul (and Jake paul, for that matter) has a one-track mind focused on views and popularity. he could retire today and be so much better off than the poor man who he filmed without thinking twice. he doesn't know what it's like to feel so horribly empty inside that you take your own life.
ugh. I really really REALLY can’t stress how much I absolutely HATE the Paul brothers, I think they’re rude, obnoxious idiots and, tbh, I hated them before this whole ‘incident’, but now I actually just can’t fxcking stand them. UgH 😑 🤮
GAHHHHH! and all those 12 year old bîtches are like ‘DAB ON THEM HATERS!’ and then there’s me in the background screaming ‘DAB ON YOUR WAY TO FXCKING HXLL MORONS!’ 😂
wow. that was... violent
Totally agree with you and this post, Paul bros are stupid and selfish
tbh logan was the only paul brother whom i respected and i woke up one day and then he’s in a forest laughing at a dead person???for money??? he has always been trash
also youtube censors LGBT content for being LGBT and then???logan and jake are still there???
acted accordingly????? ok lemme just uhhhhhhh laugh at a suicide victim
can I repost this?
he makes me want to vomit through my eyes