Yas a combination of Beatles and Gilmore Girls❤️💙 This looks kind of patriotic though bc of the colors lol😂
So I have to start school early on August 14th. Like W.T.F😒


CLICK Yas a combination of Beatles and Gilmore Girls❤️💙 This looks kind of patriotic though bc of the colors lol😂 So I have to start school early on August 14th. Like W.T.F😒 #feauturemyfandom ❤️⚡️🏹❤️

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I don't start school for like a month!!
that’s so early. i still hav a month
and this is sooo prettyyyyy!❤️❤️
gilmore girlsssss — loved that episode!
that's the background for our collab,hope you like it! sorry it took so long. also if you want any changes made,please let me know