Help I don't know what reverse racism is


Help I don't know what reverse racism is

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this is basically me except im ten and i hate ahs
it's discriminating in favor of groups/people who are innocent or were treated unjustly sometime in the past
or if your tumblr then it's racism against whites
^wait dumb IT down a little please I'm not to smart and I'm confused
Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".[1][2][3] The usage of the term is controversial, with many groups (especially those concerning the interests of ethnic minorities) denying its existence.[4][5]
^i literally copied and pasted it from Wikipedia
it's like discrimination against white people in a place like America or England
^ah cool thank you