Collage by _Emo_Unicorn_


21 0
Keely, I post the repost and then someone remixed it on my page. it says remix it on a hatepage but my page isn't a hatepage
I'm so confused right
That's how some people repost.
True but still it says on a person hatepage
The person already reposted it on their page and then remixed it on mine
I don't do hate pages and I don't know why they would remix on my page
Idk, Princess. It's not anything to worry about.
I'm really confused why she didn't it
She's probably just new to pc
She has 855 followers though. I'm trying to ask her why but she won't speak
Kate, it really isn't anything to worry about.
If some sees it, no one will follow cause it'll make me look like I'm a bad person :(
Kate, it won't.
Keely, but it will make people like my page is a hatepage cause of the remix :(
Princess, it won't <3
Kate, some people repost by remixing.
She remixed on my page right after reposting it on her page
I'm really worried rn
Ik but some people remix too- people will understand.
True, but it makes me look like my page is a hatepage cause of the remix
Kate, I promise, it's okay. It doesn't look like that.
I worry too much
*Hugs* You do.
*Talks non stop*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
(Brb, gonna eat some dinner)
(Okay, Princess)
(I'm back)
(I eat fast)
Yeah :)
I'm excited about tomorrow ^_^
I'm excited about tomorrow too😍
^_^ <3
U.S.A is winning in the Olympics😭
That's a good thing, Princess.
Not too me :(
Aw :c
See my newest post plz
Princess, can I go to sleep?
Keely, I thought you were gonna stay up :(
How about I stay up on Monday or Tuesday?
I'm sorry, baby. I've been getting tired early lately.
It's alright baby❤️❤️❤️❤️
I promise❤️
Night, Princess. Ilysm.
Mommy still lysfm❤️
Night, my love❤️
you guys are adorable together!