Guys...I'm really worried about Kayleigh....anyone want to chat to get my mind off it...?


•click• Guys...I'm really worried about Kayleigh....anyone want to chat to get my mind off it...?

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Hey, I'm here for you
hi 😌 @_sam_bananas_
Hey. I'm so sorry about Kayleigh. I know it's not technically my fault, I just wish I could've done more. I should've told you what was up. I hope she's gonna be okay.
no, it's not your fault at all. I wish I could've done more too. She'll be okay, she's strong ✨
I know. But with all that blood loss.. and on her back? I've never heard of somebody doing that before. I'm just so scared.
yeah...me either...I don't even know how a person would be able to get to their back easily....it's awful......I'm scared too...
I guess I should try to be more positive. She will get through this. I just hope her parents show up soon. Though I'm worried about her mum..
I just know that her mother is really hard on her when she cuts. When she finds out about this.. She's already tried to take her to the mental hospital
I'm gonna stay on the positive side though. I'm praying her mum doesn't get too upset. Theres one good thing that has come of all this madness. All of Kayleigh's friends (us) have come together and become acquainted. I don't understand how she could possibly think there's no one in this world who loves her.
Well, I actually understand that. from personal experience, I'd have times where I'd think that no one loved me, cared about me, etc, when, actually, there was a lot of people that cared. It's just another thing that comes with the endless black tunnel of depression.
I am so scared
me too.. @LxnnMxckerzzz
I know. It's miserable. Luckily I have you guys on here who support me. And right now I don't have time to be thinking about myself and my problems while Kayleigh is going through this.
New update on Kayleigh!
@_sam_bananas_ me too, It's really hard to think about anything else right now....
same. it's been bothering me all day and although I don't personally know her she's a great girl
and thx I'll remix after this crisis is done and these icons wear out
yeah..I completely agree.. (kk)
@ohmygoshluke Same. I'm trying to watch tv to distract myself but my mind is just like KAYLEIGH KAYLEIGH IS SHE OKAY KAYLEIGH
same. I'm at a friends house and I'm mentally freaking out
At least you have a friend to talk to in person. I'm here with my 4 year old brother and my dad😫 There's nobody to talk to about this.
yeah. It's good to hear that she should be up soon. I hope the doctors are right.
I really hope she is ok. I wish I could have done more to help her. I've been talking to her on oovoo, and she said she was fine😔 I should've realized sooner.... that she wasn't. I'm praying she pulls through this and doesn't have to face any negative consequences in terms of family...
I completely agree...
I've learned that when Kayleigh says she's fine, she's totally opposite. I don't think any of us could've helped her more. I'm starting to realize that. It was coming, I could tell, I just didn't know it would be this bad.
yeah....-sigh- I just really wish I could've done something.....
Me too. I was talking with her. I tried hard. I'm sorry. I feel kinda like I failed everybody. You guys are all saying it's fine, which it is, but I still feel slightly accountable. I hope she comes back after this. I miss her so much
@_sam I'll bet she will. Don't worry
She. Is Awake. SO SO HAPPYY! she made it
Me too!!