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hi mister I’m Lily
hi hehe it’s nice to meet you
I’m otay how are you handsome?
awe🥺 you are so cute, I posted a bio
hehe hi
yeah that sounds fun, we can go swimming?
*smiles* otay *grabs towels and goes out back*
*giggles and takes off my dress, wearing a black bikini and runs to the pool*
Alex *shrieks and laughs when I come up*
*holds up two fingers with a little distance between them and giggles* a little bit
*pouts and crosses my arms* meanie *tries not to laugh*
hey I’m Lexi ;) what’s up handsome
*giggles* fineeee I forgive you
*giggles and swims after you*
*smiles and jumps on your back, clinging to you*
yes sir i did *giggles, still holding onto uou^
not faster than me *giggles* I’m super fast
I’m just too fast *giggles*
*smiles and gently lets go of you*
*giggles softly and looks at you* well thank you I guess mister
*blushes softly and smiles, looking at you*
*bites my lip softly and nods* yeah
*smiles and kisses you softly*
*gently wraps my arms around your neck*
*watches you and gets chills*
*bites my lip softly when you do*
*nods gently and looks at you*
*bites my lip and kisses your lips softly^
*licks my lip and watches you*
*nods softly* yes please daddy
*licks my lips innocently* I’m glad you like it daddy
*jumps back a little bit, surprised and looks at you*
no you just caught me a little off guard there daddy *giggles*
*watches you and bites my lip*
mm what do you have in mind daddy
*shrugs and looks up at you innocently* i don’t know daddy
*nods slightly and slowly*
*watches you and sits, gently kicking my legs and looks at you*
*licks my lip and gently rubs my hands through your hair*
*watches you and bites my lip
i miss you daddy🥺
should I just leave?🥺
hey im Emily ntmy handsome