I Changed my name happy?


I Changed my name happy?

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you don't need to kill yourself. you don't deserve to die. you deserve to have another chance
don't die,just delete the hate
if you delete the hate, maybe you can make up...
no you don't need to die but the hate needs to go
don't die please
maybe you can apologize or make her a long letter saying sorry.
You don't need to die to redeem yourself. Just delete the hate and don't continue it. Then apologize.
simple, and you are considered forgiven
you just want attention
no,I can't prove anything,but I would like to see some proof of her bullying you
just please stop the hate
Don't die
Don't kill your self just stop hatin plz
What's your real account. I'd be willing to help you solve stuff out
And I'm not being mean or racist
that doesn't mean you should, that's horrible think about it someone telling you you should go and kill yourself . if you don't like someone talk to them about what you think they should stop doing but if you create a hate page just know people will hate on you too
I'll help you :)
Honestly, Id apologize. ❤️
you can tell me if you want I have nothing against you
no I'm not happy unless you actually mean it
I want to apologize for my reaction to this hate. I'm sorry for what I said earlier and I hope you and Waybackintolove can make up and become friends again. don't delete your life, because you don't deserve to die. I'll help you. I'll do anything but don't hurt or kill yourself.
I love Waybackintolove as a friend, but dying is different.
Just because we commented stuff like that, doesn't mean we want you to kill yourself.
yay!! ok hi.
not about dying. about that you changed your username! you do actually seem nice. please don't go... I want to be friends.
We don't want you to die. just stop hating. seriously not cool
Talk about attention seeker.
change the username and restart
look we don't want you to die we just want you so become a better person