MY OTP M8 The lyrics are from Komaedas character song and the "I love and want to understand him more than anyone else" is confirmed about Hinata !!


MY OTP M8 The lyrics are from Komaedas character song and the "I love and want to understand him more than anyone else" is confirmed about Hinata !!

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it's funny. this is your OTP while its me NOTP
aha I love this ship but I also think Hajime and Chiaki would be cute together (I contradict myself on a daily basis whoops)
it's kinda one sided and I generally hate Nagito XD Also I'm not the biggest Shounon ai fan but it can be cute sometimes (I will admit that before Nagito went bananas they wer kinda cute but Hinami tho 👌🏻 XD)
see the think about Nagito is I hate him and love him like his character is complex hard to understand (those tend to be my favorite characters), but at some points in the game I wanted to punch him in the face
yet another contradiction as you can see
NO THATS WRONG!!! ...... I'm sorry.... with Hinami there are so many moments that prove the ship to be more than a head canon ship but not quite canon XD
(hahahaa... get it? no that's wrong when you said the contradiction? heheh... I'll stop now XD)
I reference that line all the time oml bless your soul
aha but still that reference was really good I honestly laughed a bit
Yay :3