So many things are happening and in the process of happening right now it’s very overwhelming so that’s why I haven’t been really active lately and won’t really for a bit Oof; also my girl is the best shskbsns she’s helped me calm down a lot the pat few d


So many things are happening and in the process of happening right now it’s very overwhelming so that’s why I haven’t been really active lately and won’t really for a bit Oof; also my girl is the best shskbsns she’s helped me calm down a lot the pat few d

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- the pst few days and she’s so wonderful and we’re so gay sksjsksksj
also I don’t remember if I came out on pc yet... so hi!! I’m Pan!! if I forgot or if u missed it lol
hi there i made a discord server, if you have discord i’d love to see you there! link is in my bio