that śhít hurted


that śhít hurted

14 11
hey love I’m Dylan
it’s a boys name because my parents are idiots🤪
hmm lies
hi Martie
fine😤but now you owe me food AND cuddles
I wanna whole pizza
not half
the WHOLE thing baby🤪🤷🏼‍♀️
I know I’m fat n sexy;)
and maybe a side of dîck with my pizza🤪😤🤤😍🤪👹💔🖤😎
aye, at least i understood what you meant. i’m gia, how are you?
hi I’m Ciearra
what’s up
nun really. i gotta go work a football game in a bit 🙄 wbu?
hehe no I’m just special
uhhh, no but i left early. it was slow and we were losing anyways.
we have a ton of titles, but they’re from years ago.
yes what do u need help with b
what pictures do u have boo
times up
ur lame bro