so I still don’t have a job which means I still don’t have money. If I don’t pay the first $200 for marching by May 13th I won’t be allowed into the band banquet. I also am eligible to take the drivers test and get my license but I’ve still never driven o


so I still don’t have a job which means I still don’t have money. If I don’t pay the first $200 for marching by May 13th I won’t be allowed into the band banquet. I also am eligible to take the drivers test and get my license but I’ve still never driven o

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so I still don’t have a job which means I still don’t have money. If I don’t pay the first $200 for marching by May 13th I won’t be allowed into the band banquet. I also am eligible to take the drivers test and get my license but I’ve still never driven on a road nor have I taken drivers ed. I think parking spots for next year start being bought this week and they’re $130 I think. I still don’t even have a car. Band class placement results go up tomorrow and I’m terrified. I hope I get into the highest class again. that’s the whole reason why I chose to have three free periods in the morning instead of the afternoon bc that class is like 6th
this is literally like the most stressful time of my life ever. and I still want to have at least one song written and done before school starts back up
that’s so much to worry about, I’m so sorry. with the song I have to go in bits and come back to it when I don’t feel artistic or have much time to focus. writing is the easier part for me, the musical part is hard. I’ll go to the piano and play around with sounds until I like something. my goal is to refinish my old songs before the end of the year and that’s gonna be stressful bc I have a hard time going back, I want to keep writing new stuff. I guess I understand why artists take so much time between albums, it’s hard to churn out music
I really hope everything gets well soon. I’m not good with words but good luck with everything