Cwickyyyyy 😝
Mesh Jacob Jr but call mesh jc 
I'm two 
My sissy is Isis and she's 4 
I love my binky 
Jacob is my daddy and Hannah's my mommy 
Auntie gem, uncle jay jay, uncle Alex, uncle Joey, auntie Chandler, auntie stevey
Jj and Skylynn are mesh cousins


Cwickyyyyy 😝 Mesh Jacob Jr but call mesh jc I'm two My sissy is Isis and she's 4 I love my binky Jacob is my daddy and Hannah's my mommy Auntie gem, uncle jay jay, uncle Alex, uncle Joey, auntie Chandler, auntie stevey Jj and Skylynn are mesh cousins

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I can't even right now he's so cute -Elise
thank you 💕 -Hannah