Hahaha, Teen Wolf. I'm on season 5 and I'm not really liking it as much as the other seasons. Like I don't ship Stalia, I don't ship Scott and Kira! Like I ship no one! Except Parrish and Lydia, lol I ship it so hard! 😍😷😫❤️😁😭


Hahaha, Teen Wolf. I'm on season 5 and I'm not really liking it as much as the other seasons. Like I don't ship Stalia, I don't ship Scott and Kira! Like I ship no one! Except Parrish and Lydia, lol I ship it so hard! 😍😷😫❤️😁😭

86 1
I ship Parrish and Lydia too!!! 😱😭
I ship Stydia
THE BITE IS A GIFT MY FFRRIIENNNDDDD *looks into the future*😑