You can tell I've done my English homework as there will be no spelling mistakes , proper punctuation and no text speaking. Oh look , I've been doing my English home work.


You can tell I've done my English homework as there will be no spelling mistakes , proper punctuation and no text speaking. Oh look , I've been doing my English home work.

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I'm good babe. *kisses u*
I missed u. oh and ps my bday is the 8th that was just my party
ok I'll go wright that down
I bet urs was better babe
that seems fun baby
I'm going to only-love
I'm so sorry about your hatepage girl. I'll try and get through to them. Don't listen to that stupid page, you're a very kind and beautiful girl❤️❤️
I love you babe
hey everyone one and every 🍁 im grounded idk how long for i will try and come on atkeast once a week im sorry guys live you babyy 💕 missing you forever stay alive and dont leave me
I'm never going to leave you babe. I love you. stay safe. I'll be waiting for u when u get back. I love you *kisses u
babe I'm soooooooo sorry I have not been on.
u said u were grounded so I kinda stopped getting on bc ur the only reason I have this app
Hiiii Gorgie, how are you? I hope that everything is okay❤️✨
I love them but ur the reason I stay
hows me fren ? // leah
thanks babe
hi everyone im really sick and my cat just died on my lap so i threw up and cant sto crying im very sad and my mum8ss about tom come on
I really miss u.
that's ok babe. *kisses u* I just have to make sure ur ok
hey hon0 // leah
I love you
baby in so lucky to have u